Saturday, November 10, 2012

Digital access, reality, rest

What a night! Many of our devices faded quickly tonight and wireless access didn't reach our location. It further clarified the struggle for resources, access, and safety. Though this is a brief amount of time out, our awareness has grown  tonight. Hearing footsteps crunching beside you is not restful , it makes you jerk out of your half-sleep and wonder if all is well. We easily see the value of our friends as they watch over us. What a constant, isolated struggle it must be for those with shelter needs. It makes us think about how we need to do more for those around us. As the last phones winked off, the night seemed to  grow colder and the ground harder. Reality truly begins to settle in and we find joy where we can...the beauty of the bright stars on a clear night, the steady breathing of a friend nearby, and the welcome warmth of our blankets.

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